Le développement durable des hommes et des affaires
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A la Une

Serious Games - Séminaire

Participez à nos jeux de stratégie et de gestion d'entreprise lors de votre séminaire réalisé sur mesure pour vos équipes!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Formation Développement personnel et managérial

Développez l'ensemble de vos compétences nécessaires à votre évolution personnelle et vos besoins professionnels!

 Ca m'intéresse!

Changements: Fusion / Acquisition / Transmission

Nous vous accompagnons dans vos projets et problématiques de changement!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Motivation de vos équipes, rapprochement clientèle ou fournisseurs, gestion des défis de l'entreprise...nous sommes là pour tout organiser!

 Ca m'intéresse!


Communiquez en Anglais >>

Développement commercial:Action! >>

Les clés d'une équipe qui gagne! >>

Transmission et création >>

Croyance > Motivation > Action! >>

Dans la peau d'un dirigeant >>

Création de valeurs au quotidien  >>

Vendre - Service compris >>

Management orienté client >>

Donnez du relief à vos évènements >>

Motivez en vous évadant >>

Une communication inoubliable >>

Recruter des talents >>

Un coach? Pourquoi pas! >>


  (33) 6 26 49 06 02



Conventions & Trade Shows

“The representation is an essential element of communication”

Claude Lelouch

Trade shows and conventions are places very strategic and operational for enterprise development regardless of its business, its size and its issues. Participation in these plans is part of communication and information essential to the life of a company. Furthermore it allows them to be on standby on its national and international environment. Very often it also helps build professional and personal relationships with all stakeholders of the business.

Therefore O² Ways Business Events & Incentives accompanies all your projects on a regional, national and international. We do not stop to an organization and an accompanying simplistic; we strive to make this event a special time for you to make a difference.

O ² Ways Business Events & Incentives advise you in the choice, in the definition of objectives, in developing the event, in the organization, in support and in action. For that several levels of collaboration are possible.

The complete management of an event:

For that we act as project manager, from beginning of the process to the end of it.

- The definition of objectives

- The choice of the exhibition, congress or convention

- The type of event

- Budgeting and negotiation costs

- Reservations and arrangements for participation

- The logistics of travel (transportation / accommodation / catering)

- Assistance during the show

- The organization before, during the show, and downstream

- The management of invitations and potential collaborations

- Communication

- The management of specific events

- The extension of activities and events schedules

- The end of the show

- The monitoring results and conclusions.

Partial management of an event:

You give us the responsibility of one or more parts of the process according to specifications defined by yourself.

O ² Ways Business Events & Incentives is not limited to you free of charges relating to the organization, our desire is to make these events successful and memorable moments for your teams, and / or your partners. The development your business sustainably is the culmination of human and financial commitments


Contact us for a bespoke quote.


Bring emotion and attractiveness to your events!!



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